Olympiad Video Feedback

ITO Video Feedback

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Note. Upload Max 100MB Video and mp4 | mpg | mpeg | mov | avi | flv | wmv Support This Format.

Upload Feedback Video

Feedback Video Upload Instructions

  1. Video should not exceed 30 seconds.
  2. While uploading the video, you have to mention ‘Indian Talent Olympiad’ somewhere in the video.
  3. Once the video is recorded on your phone OR camera, you can upload it by clicking on ‘Upload Feedback Video’ option on our website. You can choose your recorded video file directly from your smartphone OR computer.
  4. While uploading the feedback video, be respectful.
  5. We expect a valuable feedback which will lead to improve the workings of the Indian Talent Olympiad.
  6. We want to know how was your experience with us? So, we request you to keep the video as minimal as possible & to make sure that your comment should be to-the-point and brief.